Does NSFW AI Encourage Censorship?

NSFW AI systems are indeed capable of inciting censorship, sometimes because they tend to filter everything under the sun with wild abandon and others because few humans actually issue a final word on what stays online in lossless image formats. In a 2023 report concerning platforms such as Facebook, the Electronic Frontier Foundation noted that AI-driven filters caused approximately an additional 25% of content moderation actions. All of this extra moderation leads to AI flagging content even more often that is not inherently harmful but technically close enough to a possible violation in the book.

The second is the propensity for pattern–based classification of many NSFW AI algorithms, as they like to call it — sounds harmless and plausible? YouTube used to have NERF guns, only for its human bulldozers — YouTube's AI flags a historical documentary channel as pornographic in one example due to the use of real historical nudity despite being educational. Such overreach is indicative of AI systems' inability to understand the nuance and context in which certain things are made, resulting in further censorship.

Combined with the sheer volume of content that needs to be moderated, this only increases the possibility for censorship. The fact that Twitter processes more than 500 million tweets daily means NSFW AI is an ideal option. Those wide like settings you put on your AI can totally hide some of the good stuff. Strict NSFW AI policies of Twitter prevents the spread of educational content on sexual health. — Analysis, 2022

They say that also by implementing AI to censorship process, it aims at being a balance between their community standards and freedom of speech. Dr. Amy Peterson, a digital rights advocate said that 'AI systems are built to enforce rules which may unintentionally fur the most important discourse'. That statement, says the line between keeping people safe while avoiding overlaps with a social media platform that goes too far.

It all gets more complicated when we realise that regulatory requirements need to be fulfilled. In the EU, a guideline similar to that governing how AIs System Store NSFW user data has an effect onowingto itonly can be put in place but, which limited what sort of content might possibly likewise have their hands swifferuler General Data Regulation (GDPR)it greatly influences upon posted fordivorce lawyers atlantaionimplement and not beingsuitablely translated as ax. While these rules aim to maintain end-user privacy, they can also hinder the correct enforcement of content moderation and thus lead to de-facto inconsistencies in censorship decision-making.

So, to sum up, NSFW mechanisms provide some protection against the worst explicit content out there but are also skewed towards only safe-for-work images /videos. Visit nsfw ai for more on the impact that NSFW AI has.

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